
A Call to Honour by Jaswant Singh
A strip from an extremely popular comic is shown above (A part of the image has been blacked out). This particular strip is said to have served as an idea for an online portal to introduce an additional service/functionality.
What ?
YouTube has placed a feature on comments that plays back the comment aloud on "Audio Preview", based on the strip "Listen to Yourself" of the ultra famous webcomic xkcd.
This print advertisement that appeared in a newspaper kicked off something iconic . What ?
The novel is George Orwell's 1984 and the figure is Big Brother.The novel has several instances where the phrase "Big Brother is watching you" has been mentioned.
The highlighted region is Laconia,a place in Greece.
The word "laconic" is derived from the name of the region by analogy - to speak in a concise way, as the Spartans were reputed by the Athenians to do.
Robert DeNiro (L) with Jake LaMotta.
Robert DeNiro played Jake LaMotta , a middleweight boxer in the film Raging Bull,based on a book with the same name.