Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quest Pistols # 63

Ok,tell me how do IIT and snickers go together ?
Don't google.


Asok (pronounced "a-shook") is an Indian intern in the Dilbert comic strip. His first appearance was March 18, 1996. He is a brilliant graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology. The character is named after a friend and co-wo
rker of strip creator Scott Adams at Pacific Bell.In one of its episodes,Asok was told to be dead.Later,he was reincarnated into a part human, part Snickers bar - the result of Asok's DNA being mixed in with candy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quest Pistols # 62

An ad-campaign.Identify.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Rise Of Humans

Premier clothing brand Allen Solly has ushered into a novel advertising concept,so far relatively unexploited in India.

The brand used the concept of flash mobs and played out a 'freeze act' with the help of live models decked in latest Allen Solly attire,in malls and major commercial shopping streets across the country.

Girls and boys attired in smart casual wear walk into malls or high streets and sit or hold a certain pose for up to seven minutes, becoming real live 'Humannequins', which comes from blending the words 'human' and 'mannequins'

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Quest Pistols # 61

Italic Easy one.
Identify the logo.The company/institution was is news recently.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quest Pistols # 60

Connect/Give funda.


The first image is of Harman Baweja and the second is of Late Mohan Gokhale who played the title role in the TV series "Mr Yogi". The recent movie What's Your Rashi ? and Mr Yogi were both based on a Gujarati novel Kimball Ravenswood by Madhu Rye.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Quest Pistols # 59

Connect the above two images to the world of print media.


The first image is of The Puck Building in NYC,USA.It served as the headquarters of the Puck Magazine until it ceased publication in 1918.The second image is an artistic depiction of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream in which Puck was one of the characters.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quest Pistols # 58

The title of this comic strip is a catchphrase for a term intended for spendthrifts who squander money/resources for societal status rather than utility.Identify.

(hint: much hubbub in India in this regard presently, seeking moral responsibility towards a not so strong economy)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Quest Pistols # 57

Easiest by far.Identify.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Quest Pistols # 56



Named after its progenitor, (a) is a proposed test in which player C is assigned with trying to determine amongst players - A & B - which is a computer and which one a human.
Connect the two images.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Quest Pistols # 55


It included an hour long brainwave recording of an American author who later explained her experience:
"....I began by thinking about the history of Earth and the life it sustains....Toward the end I permitted myself a personal statement of what it was like to fall in love."


Mankind's ambitious endeavors to search for the unknown.Identify.