Saturday, July 31, 2010

Quest Pistols # 112

Don't go by the color !

Invented one of the very crucial & indispensable aviation devices currently in use.Identify.


David Warren, invented 'black box' while investigating an aviation crash.

Quest Pistols # 111

The man who reveals it all.Identify the man and his organization(logo) trying to 'deliver humanity with some hidden truth'.


Julian Assange, editor Wikileaks (logo).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quest Pistols # 110

Espionage addicts!!

Identify the organization from the emblem.


Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (KGB)- the national security,intelligence agency of the former Soviet Union, infamously excelling in techniques like dead letter boxes and agent provocateurs.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quest Pistols # 109

He played his part in 'HOPE for CHANGE'.Identify.


Shepard Fairey, designed the HOPE poster for Obama's presidential election campaign in 2008.